Thursday, April 7, 2011

Virtual Essay

After researching for different creations by different photographers, Lauren E.Simonutti’s works have inspired and attracted me by giving me mysteries and fantasies. One of his famous creations is “The Devil’s Alphabet.  It is a photo album that include the alphabet A to Z. All of the photographs are mysterious and they represent the alphabet letters.
Starting with the Alphabet letter A:

The Devil's Alphabet: A (2007) Lauren E. Simonutti
We can see that there is a doll with an “A” pose in the photograph. There is also one man looking at the doll doing the pose from above. Personally, I think the best interpretation of this photograph is that it is very hard to hide secrets, although you have been putting so many efforts on hiding secrets, people will discover eventually.

Same thing happens in this photograph by an unknown photographer, this time there is no one watching you but the doll itself. The meaning is basically the same; there is someone who is watching you, trying to find out your secrets and most likely, your secrets will be spreading out.

Creepy doll by Iynchseattle from flickr

Following is the Alphabet N from “The Devil Alphabet” album, there is a person who has his leg sticking out of the door. He might be dead or faint. The color setting and the effect on this photograph seems to tell us that something happened in this room and the room is abandoned.

The Devil's Alphabet: N (2007) Lauren E. Simonutti

Same as this photograph by Arvydas KniukAita, this room has also been abandoned. It is also a mysterious photograph which gives us the space to think what happened in this room.

Abandoned spooky industrial room in former factory in HDR by Arvydas Kniukšta

The Alphabet letter L is a book. It says on the book:
“L” exists in memory.
It is quit lovely but will never see the light of day.
It is the first letter of the sobriquet by which I was christened.
You see, and so must remain hidden.
For without it the Devil can never call out to me by name.
Many meanings can be implied in this message on the book and the most important idea in this message indicates specific religion. The writer might be trying to portray the religion that he/she believes in. Since the theme of this album is “devil” the true meaning message might bring out different negative mentality in our souls, including envy, hatred, selfish, violent, etc…

The Devil's Alphabet: L (2007) Lauren E. Simonutti

One photograph that is similar to the Alphabet letter L is a black and white photograph of a holy bible.  In contrast of the Devil Alphabet, this holy bible represents justices, love and sacrifice.
Holy bible by unknow photographer
In the photograph of the Alphabet X, there is a stair which leads us to the ultimate darkness. Something must be waiting for us downstairs.
The Devil's Alphabet: X (2007) Lauren E. Simonutti
Similar to the stairs from the Alphabet X, the photo, creepy stair represent the same setting, which is paranormal environment and mysteries. In contrast to the Alphabet X, we cannot see anything from upstairs instead of downstairs.
Creepy Stairs by Brian Hill Photography from Flickr
The last alphabet that I want to present is the Alphabet V. In the photograph, there is a vacant chair in the room. The chair might be old, it might also be broken. There is a clock refection on the chair, telling us that the chair has been recording the history that “it” has seen.
The Devil's Alphabet: Q (2007) Lauren E. Simonutti
In the photograph of a black and white antique chair, same thing happens. The background of the chair is a forest and the chair might be dumped for so many years.
Black and white antique chair by summerbreezes 93 from Flickr


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